I enjoy not so long walks on the beach and prefer skip filled walks on freshly cut grass. I am currently a student mastering the art of how slice a squid and how to make money. I am also currently in the mafia, the fashion. mafia. I like hot dogs, but not real ones. I like people, but not fake ones. Hobbies include stare down contests with kids, laughing, sleeping with eyes open, and the occasional attendance of nudist resorts.
Non-smoker. Heavy drinker. Of non fat milk that is.
Current residence of Art Geek and Fashion Freak
I am looking for...
- Serious Stalking
- Friendship
- Not so random play
- and new link buddies for my lonely link list.
Contact me? Just leave a comment below.
hallo. i've left one or two comments here before saying it would be cool to be pals as we both live in the la area and you seem pretty cool. especially since there are a lot of ladies in this town that are not so nice/down to earth.
hm, i live in hollywood, work on the west side, love fashion but don't seem to have as many great outfits as youuu.
i mostly use lj pinkfrost.livejournal.com is my link. anyway hiiii
hey, i'd love to link. what a great blog and i like your ebay stuff!:) hit me back on my blog if you do :)x
hey there, I have you linked on my blog and have commented a few times. You can add my link!
u mean like in facebook and stuff or real life?
I've been lurking for a while and this totally made me laugh. I can add you to my blog list if you wish =)
haha adorable. we can trade links if you like!
You're already on my link list.
...=I've already been stalking you, I wouldn't mind at all if you were to return the gesture!
Me pick me! :) We did a website link exchange a long time ago (like maybe last summer? I made jewelry and sold it on my website, littlehands)... Anyways I'm Tiffany, currently living outside of Atlanta, GA but I'm moving to the middle of nowhere in upstate NY in a week for school. I love your blog and I've been creeping it for a little while now ;)
I love you blog. Been snooping around for a little while. I link to you on my blog and I would be really happy if you want to repay the favour. Hehe.
Liked your idea very much by the way. Really cool.
yay for nudist resorts! woo!!
I have linked you. I love your posts, they are so cute, funny and creative. xo
I admit it. I am a secret stalker.
I'm Nicole, also 20, English major, chocolate addict and coffee fiend.
I just started to maintain my own fashiony-personal-blog-o'-sorts, and would love to trade links. In fact you'll be my first! Eek!
I personally don't drink milk, not that I'm a vegan or anything, I just don't drink it. Other than that, I'm sure we'd be compatible in every way.
Art Geek and Fashion Freak has been a longtime resident on my links list, so if you'd like to pop by occasionally and check out The Fish Tank, we'll then that's be mighty fine.
www.fishtankfashion.blogspot.com, just incase you wish to avoid clicking through my blogger profile.
lol @ "serious stalking"
i linked you :D
i already have you on my blog list so does that mean i'm already stalking you? haha :D
Hey!! I will link you in my blog, and if you want, add me! THANKS XDD!
You are linked on my blog! I love yours - your outfits make me so envious!
ahaa....i have the same hotdog bag!! :D
link me also!!! :)
Why hallo thar, "serious stalker" here that wouldn't mind being stalked back. =D
:)) funny post! would you like to exchange links (as you already are in my blogroll)? xo
haha. your posts are awesome. link me? you've been in my links list for a while, i love your blog.
Oh, and I gave you an award in my blog!
hi! i've linked u already but never commented. this is my first comment. I like your ideas and the stuff you blog about. I'm always inspired by you. Anyway, I'm Christine from Malaysia. Prolly you've never heard of this teeny-weeny little country. Do link my blog. =)
Net buddies! Whoop! Unless you ever came to England or I came to the US.
Your link list doesn't look that lonely! But I'd love to swap if you're doing so.
I've got you linked on my blog, you can link me if you want to.
i found your blog when i looked up jet rag
on google and i fell in love :)
you inspired me to start my own blog
Your blog rocks, let's link up! :D
Ta-dah! You were already linked on my blog, but would you like to link me??
"heavy drinker *gasps in disbelief* of milk that is *laughs* "
we'd love to link :)
i am very new to the game.
Love the photo, Lala. Yea Fashion Mafia!
i linked you! i love your blog. so inspiring
you are linked on my blog! i love yours! it'd be cool if you linked me too (if you like my blog of course!)
You are Homosapian too! Oh my gosh we have so much in common. I've been lurking around your blog for awhile now and each time a talke a look at your blog it always seems to brighten up my day or inspire me.
Even though I am only four years younger then you, you are a rolemodel to me. I am totally going to link your blog on to mine.
If you ever get the chance check out my blog.
I've lurked on your blog for a while and I'd love to swap links. You're already linked on mine!
hi! i've been stalking your blog for a while. let's swap links?
by the way, you're awesome :P
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