Thursday, August 7, 2008

Frankstein Boots.

It was a dark and stormy night. Thunder roared in the darkness and crackled like the sound of my laughing uncle when he tries to pet my hair. (He's balding, so the poor man can't help it.) The lightening was also very very frightening as it spliced the colorless sky with it's wicked nails. And in my lab, my mind was flooded with unholy plans and bizarre ideas. With the addition of my anger filled state of the moment, I knew it was time for me to destroy something, to hack apart life as if it were a freshly picked zuccini ready for the grill.

Like a madman I skipped down the stairs quietly as to not disturb my sleeping parents.Being caught in my maniac phase would surely disappoint my parents's notion of my a quiet although slightly odd asian girl. I hit the tile floor and rummaged through an old bag filled with shoes. My dog lifted his head up and stared at me. It was as if he was telling to stop, but I couldn't. The madness in my veins were beyond my control. And there they were. A pair of brown boots. It was unassuming and silent. It knew what fate lied ahead. It was scared. I was scared.

Carrying up the stairs I lied them down onto my peach carpet and strapped them down. I didn't want them to run away. Like a kidnapper who takes a picture of their hostage for ransom, I took a picture of the brown boots. But not for ransom. Or for any strange shoe fetish I may or may not have. But for the purpose of showing the transformation. Of showing the fashion blogging world of what my monster looked like before I made it into a monster.

With my scissors I stabbed into it's pleather flesh. At that point, I had truly gone insane.

I cut and I cut. Slicing and dicing like a skilled master defending his title on Iron Chef. The boots were no match against my meticulous hands. With the help of a few of my lab assistants (scissors, sewing machine, and hot glue gun) I was able to create a pair of Frankenstein boots. They are part boots and part gladiator sandals. Part grandma and part teen hipster. Part fug and part not fug. I felt so proud to have given birth to such hideously awesome shoes.

The end of my semi psychotic story.

So I lied when I said in my Style of the Day post that I made these boots. Technically they were already made and I just re-made them into better things. I had these boots that I bought from Old Navy's clearance rack for way cheap, like $3 cheap. It's one of those buys that you only bought it because it was cheap and you tell yourself you'll actually wear them, but you never do. It was also a time when boots over jeans were all the rage. Remember that? They're made from a pretty cheap quality synthetic leather. I basically cut out pieces and reattached pieces. Everything I used came from the original boots. I think they might fall apart in the near future. It depends on how good my gluing and sewing skills were. But for the moment, they are my pride and joy.

Before and after. Or After and Before.

Streets, be prepared for these Frankenstein boots to stomp all over pavemented sidewalks!


Ella Gregory said...

I my gosh this is so clever of you!
I would never be able to do that to a boot.
And I studied fashion design.

You have serious skills.

Anonymous said...

oh my god! that is amazing! i know what i'm going to be doing this week.

Christian Girl in Harrods said...

WOW, you are crazy talented! I love how you make the boots!! :D

Anonymous said...

You know what, these are actually amazing! They look so much better now. Your hacking urge was really rather successful!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I am amazed! They look awesome and I never would have the guts to attempt that (and I doubt I could suceed). You rock.
Oh and no, it's still just me, my timer, and my tripod taking the pictures. It's just since it is summer I don't have homework in the evening keeping me busy.

Squishybubble said...

I actually have those boots....and that made them look fabulous!! MUST. COPY. NOW!


What an ingenious creation. I love them. xx

I know, I wanted to run around in my boots with feathers in my You're so cute. Thanks for the wonderful comment.

Isabel said...

Holy crap, that is awesome!

Amber said...

Oh my gosh you are so creative it is insane! I would have never even thought of cutting boots up and trying to sew them and you did such an amazing job as well!

Kim said...

I can't believe you made those! That was amazing. Good for you, nice vision

Lisa said...

Amazing!!! They look so spectacular in the "after" picture. I would never have the guts or the talent to attempt that.

Jill said...

Oh my goodness! Those are stunning! Can you please have frankenstein urges with all my fugly shoes?

carcar said...

why are you so awesome??

i wish i had boots lying around to satisfy your future psychotic (yet creative) urges :)!

Shay said...

wow, so cool and brave!!

fashionslacker said...

those look totally legit! you are really good!

A Black Tie Event said...

Very nice! I love them, that's so creative and awesome of you.

Maddy said...

Whoah those are actually super fly. I never would have thought of refashioning shoes in such a drastic way. A+.

Rebecca Jane said...

Those turned out so so well! Congrats on the fabulous artistic license taken, you made improvements of leaps and bounds over the originals.

Anonymous said...

Gosh that's incredible - ingenuity at it's sartorial best I say! They look so good!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

SO smart and creative.

Abbey said...

wow, you must be one clever chick :)
That is fully inspiring, lovely blog :)

Sharon said...

Wow, how skillful and creative-well done, they're great!!

1234 said...

i am stunned! they turned out beautifully, you are so clever!

Samantha said...


Oh my gosh they look so professional

Iron Chef Lala

Lindsey Elizabeth Pritchard said...

I love what you did to them.
I wish I could do that.


Anonymous said...

oh my! i LOVE those! they look amazing.. I wish I could do stuff like that. They are very well made, they look beautiful ;)

we wear things said...

that is an amazing reconstruct!! i'm very impressed!


Anonymous said...

WOW those came out AMAZING

Ida said...

They are Great.
You are so genius. Amazing. I have to try something similar!

WendyB said...


MizzJ said...

Wow that is so good! Damn, I hope the boots look isn't out, I spent too much money on my boots to not wear them anymore hahaha.

Soul Tanggg said...

girl, you gotta be kidding me!!
That's genious!

I want to try, but I'm scared i'll make a mess of my nice white boots.

I commend your leather-workin' skills.

Wendy said...

This project is so creative and clever. Well done!

Hannah said...

You are amazing. So are those boots (post-makeover, of course)

Anonymous said...

This post was hilarious, and those boots are amazing!! I'm in awe!

MEMEME said...

I wish I can be as talented as you!!!..

Anonymous said...

My goodness that's freaking amazing, thanks for the inspiration!

Fashion Tidbits said...

they are freakin' amazing!!! dare i say, the AFTER is more better than the BEFORE!!?

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said...

YOU MADE THOSE?? (Or, redesigned them) They look totally awesome!! I could never done anything like that! You are really good

Diana Rikasari said...

you left me are sooooooo talented....<3

Eyeliah said...

What a cool project, so impressive.

Lisa said...

I linked to this post in my blog today! Check it out.

kokostiletto said...

you are very very talented!!!!

Anonymous said...

duuuuude tiffany that looks freakin da bomb, so pro! (I'd buy them if they were in my size lol)
I saw your sis at ACA orientation btw! She said she might join lion dance ( somehow I doubt this...;^;)

I have to catch up on your blog because your sis mentioned you were crazy partying it up in italy! I'll get to the party posts eventually!

haha, hope you're having SOOPER DOOOPER AMOUNTS OF FUN :D
