- Yellow & white striped top: 0.50 thrift sale
- Shorts: 0.98 thrift
- Yellow skinny belt: tjmaxx
- Panda bag!: $3 Taiwan
- Heart watch necklace: $5 thrift
- Shoes that are already falling apart?! curse you cheap Taiwanese shoes: $5 Taiwan
- hot pink tumor in hair? organza heart that I was going to use in my collection but didn't safety pinned and tied to a shoelace. Such a recycler I am.
Today I woke up at 6 in the morning, probably the earliest ever this summer. I went with my sister to her orientation since I had to go to the newspaper office for production today anyways. Little freshman don't look so little. I felt an evil happiness when these three freshman were so confused about where to check in that they got lost. They made it there eventually, so I'm not that mean.
It was only 8:30 and I had like 4 hours to kill, the perfect excuse for another jet rag excursion. The last time I went to Jet Rag was last summer. I lived so close to the place but never went until now. This time my mom and sister weren't there so I had the pleasure of hunting without worrying that someone was bored. If you didn't know Jet Rag is famous for their $1 parking lot sales every Sunday. At 10:30 they open like 10 bales of untouched clothing which means that you can find some great treasures that were untouched by elitist vintage store hands. Now the problem is, I am a slow one. I would be the tortoise in the tortoise in the hair - minus the hard shell, I'm really a softy. People were already surrounding the packages so I was left staring at the sweaty backs of bargain hunters. A lovely sight. Seriously, within 3 seconds of opening the plastic, everything is gone. People just take a whole bunch, anything they can grab. They then go into their little corner under the hot LA sun and take their time looking through it. Because my plan A was unsuccessful, I opt for plan B. I follow the boys and wait for them to throw back the girls clothing. Perfect yeah?
Jet Rag is located on La Brea near the Melrose intersection. If you ever want to do some vintage shopping, this area is totally the place. I saw so many vintage stores along the way plus the Fairfax flea market.
I went a little crazy and walked out with $24 dollar trash bag filled goodies. I plan to put some things up on lalaliu.love anyways so I have a good reason.
Afterwards I went with my dad to the famous Pinks hot dogs which is right next to Jet Rag.
The line was sooo long. To me, it was only okay. I just think I'm not a hot dog person. Too salty for me. After gorging down my mushroom swiss dog, I hurried to work and designed my first page by myself ever. Pat on my back.
Be ready for lots of pictures of my finds. I have a dressing room rendezvous in my room tonight. I totally went over my limit this week.
I love your outfit.
I really need to hit up that place in La Brea...
Hiii, Tiffany!
So, you don't have to drive all the way up to LA for some nicely priced clothing w/ large crowds -- there's something similar to that at a Goodwill west of Commonwealth and Harbor in Fullerton, with a LOT less people. Before, they used to have everything for a dollar, but now it's around 1-2$ because they've been making money out of it. It's kind of discouraging though -- there's not much vintage clothing, I believe. However, if you can find things there, then it's usually pretty good, I guess. I got 2 pairs of Joe's Jeans (authentic) there for 1$ a piece and then another pair of Diesels. I saw some vintage YSL, too. But a lot of the stuff, is generic -- sometimes the only things I can find are Diesel or C&C tops. So, it's up for grabs, but you can check it out if you want (It's so close, anyways). They usually have the sales daily, or at least on Saturdays, starting at 10am, I think. (I haven't went there in a while; I prefer the one near by school since I know I can get some good designer items there even though it costs more and the people are meaner. :/)
Oooh, I want to visit now! I'm not a big hotdog girl either, but cheap vintage? Yes please!
wow i need to put that on my list of places to travel to. badly. and cute outfit!
Love your hair accessory! Great color.
That place looks amazing! And that top is really cute, I can't believe you got it for 50 cents!!
Your blog is awesome, do you want to link up?
seriously amazing deals! And adorable top! I think the "stand behind the guys to wait for them to throw the girls clothes" strategy worked!
I love your colorful style!
I love your look. I like how you can incorporate really affordable pieces into your wardrobe and still look effing great.
Oooo....sounds awesome! I am jealous that you have that!
i love your shorts. <3
Oh, I love your bow! And that store sounds great. I would just skip past the hotdogs and go straight to the clothes. haha.
I love your outfit. Yay for the panda bag :]
haha i wouldn't survive in there! i would be too mad to actually grab and search. rawr! but i love your high waisted shorts! :D
lovelovelove your outfit
great outfit! i love the pink hair thing especiaflly.
So funny, I was up in LA doing some work and I walked right by that hot dog place and noticed how long the line was! Is it always like that? Anyways, you might like some of the stuff being shown in San Diego this fall. Some of the designers have really interesing and cute things. The website is www.fashionweeksd.com
wow tooooooooo cute!!!
I love Panda... and just bought a Morn Creations Bag from the following Blogshop:
Share with you the photos of my lovely panda tote bag tmr... hehe
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