In my self deluded world, I believe that everybody has an ugly. Whether we are born with the genetics of gods and goddesses or with the genetics of the opposite of gods and goddesses, everyone has those uglies. Sometimes ugly is clearly visible displaying itself 24/7, other times it's hidden, only emerging after the night has slept and you are alone ready to face the ugly yourself and only yourself.
What do I mean by an ugly?
Well, you know, it's just when people get ugly. And I refuse to believe that nobody never gets an ugly every once in a while. If you believe that you do, contact me ASAP. I need to know your secrets, or better yet, just tell me what plastic surgeon hooked you up.
An ugly is not a bad thing. It's just simply a part of life. It's a human thing. And recently, I've been facing a whole lot of ugly everytime I look in the mirror.
Now most fashion bloggers would never let their readers see their uglies. Afterall, they do have to maintain an image of a glorious fashion gal that looks so fashionable in whatever duds they throw on. Fashion is an image. They take pictures, post their daily outfits, pose with poise and awkward grace. All the while keeping their uglies hidden; locked away in the bottom cellar only able to come out when the lights are out and the camera is switched off.
I, however, am not most fashion bloggers. While I don't find myself gifted with genes of gorgeousness, my ugly has come out and has overloaded my normal level of ugliness. I would like to show readers that I too am human and have an ugly. Hey now, no nasty comments.
Actually, I the real reason isn't to prove that I'm human, because I'm sure you can tell, I'm human all right. The real reason is I think I look quite funny fugly tonight and I just had to post a picture. Take a look if you dare.

If you are blinded by what you have just witnessed, you have no right to sue me because I warned you in the beginning.
The collage totally screams, "WTF, am I back in 8th grade?!!>?!" and I think I look like a teenager going through puberty. My sister made fun of my retainers and told me to talk properly. Hey! I can't help that I have a lisp. I tell her to shutup, but as you know my "shutup" turns out funny and ruins the whole power of the word.
I had a dentist appointment yesterday and my dentist finally caught me in my not-wearing-retainers crime. I haven't been caught until now, it's been what, 5 years? Hence, I am wearing them 24/7 hoping that my teeth will shift back to its straight shape or else dear mommy and daddy will be shelling out a few more Benjamins for a pair of new retainers. I didn't know I had to wear them forever. I did know after I found out a few years ago, but I'm a ortho rebel. Rawr.
There you go. I have revealed my ugly to the whole wide world and it has never felt better. Or maybe my ugly has been out all this time in my posts and pictures except that I was too biased to notice. The picture may not seem all that bad, but trust me, if you zoom closer, it's all there. I got the pimples, the dried pimples, the dead pimples that won't go away. There's the un-smooth skin, blotchy red spots, spotty dirt filled pores, boogers, extra long nose hair, eye bags, and good ole retainers. I've got the works. I call it combination like combination pizza, I got combination ugly.
In a way I think being ugly gives you character. I prefer old people with their massive wrinkles and sprinkled on aging spots to young people because their unbeauty gives them character.
Free your ugly. It's dying to get out every once in a while and it'll save you the hassle as well from trying to keep it hidden. Smile big with your colorful retainers, wear your retainers out to town, leave your eyes unlined. But don't do it too often because, well, then that'll just be ugly.
I shall go to sleep soon. Resting and dreaming and letting my ugly roam the night. Hopefully, the morning will come and my ugly will have wandered back to it's home. But I do not mind if it doesn't peacefully go back. I'll let it hold on to me as long as it needs because as my theory goes, everyone has an ugly.
Having an ugly is nothing to be ashamed of. After all it's just natural beauty.
i gave u a diamond
I am glad I am not the only one with 'the uglies.' In the world of fashion blogs I think it is easy to forget that perfection doesn't last 24/7. But, then again I think perfection exists in our flaws. <3 Because like you said, those flaws make us more interesting. Like old people. Wrinkled and somewhat saggy, at least they look lived in, experienced, and interesting. Us young folks just look brand new. =)
Aww, not fugly at all! Little cutie! :)
love your blog!!!!
My new favourite :)
thanks for your comment i love your illutration, its so original, just like your look
ahhh i love it.
your so cute though. def not ugly.
and thankss. im so glad you think it looks like a boutique.. that was my inspiration when i was designing it.
Cute! I like the idea that everybody has an ugly :)
Well not to totally miss the point, but you really look pretty cute! I guess maybe it's just that "pretty" and "ugly" don't have to be so simply defined. I mean, if we can wear weird looking things with a touch of irony, we can certainly see the cuteness in pictures of each other making silly faces and caught without flattering light, right? Well, at least I hope so.
haha great post!
I love those glasses. So intellectually chic!
Nice one.
That's why I'm the pimpzmasta. I got "character" in mounds.
haha. i never wore my invisalign. i don't think i'll wear my retainer either. :D
ohh i have ugly things too. dont you worry my friend. also i never wear my retainer...whoops.
This is the reality of life more people need to face and understand. Very well put. Ugly is beauty! And everyone has some, get over it! Flaws are beautiful and perfection has some unattractiveness about it (from my point of view anyway). And those pics of you aren't ugly =)
I think they're cute, haha.
wow, what an amazing post!
haha and I like you're glasses. I have a simila pair. =]
Everyone should liberate their ugly! But I definitely did not see any in that picture you posted.
love your blog!!
haha all i can say is, you are so right!!!
this was a wonderful entry :)
you're so right.
Oh, my dear beautiful child. You, Ugly? I don't see it at all. I think you are wonderfuly adorable and quite beautiful to say the least.
I am 27, and have unfortuantly faced the ugliness of acne when I was younger. I am left with many a scars. When people tell me I'm pretty I think to myself *they must only be saying that because they feel bad for me* And then I think to myself *I have the most wonderful beautiful husband who loves me with all the world* Maybe I dont quite see my flaws as others do. Maybe it isnt THAT bad. Sure, in pictures I can look pretty damn good, but when I'm alone and looking in the mirror I want to cry sometimes...
I don't know where I'm getting at exactly. I think most *normal* people see their flaws as ugly, while others around them might not even notice them at all, or might like them and see them as original and beautiful. (which i'm sure is your case). An ex of mine loved freckles. Thats just a minor example, but still.
There is sooo much beauty in the world to be concerned about looking "ugly", and trust me, you are NOT ugly. Not by a long shot.
Hell, I'd be more than happy to have your "uglies" than have scars that will never go away. BUT, what can ya do? This is the hand we are dealt with and that is life. Might as well try to make the best of it.
Ahh, anyway...wonderful post. I scan the fashion blogs quite ofton and this is the first post I;ve read that has really "wowed" me on a human level.
i'm not afraid of showing my ugly either! Well, i would if I posted photos of myself on my blog.. but I can show my ugly thru my writing.. i think?
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