Thursday, July 26, 2007

House of Holland Harry Potter Style

I was just browsing the many fashion blogs and came upon Fashionista's genious Harry Potter t-shirts.

My DIY senses immediately came rushing into my brain and I had to I mean had to just make one of these. I jotted down some rhymes but then realized that I felt bad for tainting the image of my beloved harry potter with these sexual innuendos this was my childhood afterall and plus I would feel really awkward wearing them. But nevertheless I loved all the ones above.

Since I was a reigning rhyming champion during my period 4 art days in high school I came up with some myself:

"Give me more, Dumbledore"

"Snog me, touch me, Ron Weasley"

"I like danger, Hermione Granger"

"I'll be your toy, Draco Malfoy"

I could keep going, but I have better things to do with my friday night.

But anways, last night I stayed up till 1:00 painting my shirt to say:

"You look Moldy, Dark Lord Voldy". Not quite the same humor as House of Holland's slogans, but I like it. It's cute and innocent and a little odd - perfect for me. I'll be a walking fashion trend whore now, but at least I will have the powers of the dark lord to blast away any mockers out there!
Don't worry though. It was a false threat. I would never turn to the dark arts...


carcar said...

being a rhyming champion comes in handy! :)

elle s'ennuie said...

Ha, that is awesome. I used to write dirty (and I mean -dirty-..!) rhymes about my classmates in grade 3 (!) so maybe I should give this a try. :P I'll have to go away and think of some other books to T-shirtize...

THE CAT'S MIU said...

YOU ARE AMAZING! those are great lines you came up with, and i love that shirt! wow

Frasier said...

That was funny!!!

Fashion Trend Guide said...

I love the shirt! You should make more and sell them!

MK said...

i love that shirt! what kind of paint did you use and how did you do the letters??

schizo said...

what kind of paint did you use? i've always wanted to do something like this on my shirts instead of printing it.

LalaLiu said...

I used silkscreening paint for the black letters and then acrylic for the green mixed with this textile solution.

I did the letters by typing it onto word document then printing, then cutting it out to make a "stencil" then i painted!